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New Evidence Shows that Ancient Egyptians Hired Local Mexican Construction Company to Build Pyramids


Carlos Ordonez Construction Co. is believed to have played a major part in the construction of the ancient pyramids.

The Egyptian Pyramids, built thousands of years ago.

          July 19, 2020

EGYPT, Africa— For hundreds of years, the methods by which the Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids have been speculated by historians, archaeologists, and conspiracy theorists alike. However, new archaeological evidence has seemingly provided answers to those questioning their existence. The evidence points to the involvement of a local Mexican construction company that is now believed to have been the most important contributor in the construction of the pyramids.

          Head archaeologist Dr. Marcus Trevino says, “Evidence from within the pyramids points directly to Carlos Ordonez Construction Co., a small family-owned business that had many contracts with the Ancient Egyptians. We believe that they were the main workforce that put together the massive structures. We dug up sombreros from thousands of years ago inside the pyramids along with receipts that recorded millions of pesos exchanged between the Egpytian Pharaohs and the company. It’s not entirely clear how the Mexican workers ended up in Egypt, but Dr. Trevino asserts it's possible they illegally crossed borders in the space-time continuum to end up in Ancient Egypt, knowing that their construction skills and equipment would be in high demand.

          Further excavation of the Great Pyramids provided more evidence for the involvement of the Ordonez’s company. Dr. Trevino’s team found a half-eaten bowl of guacamole in one of the tombs. Trevino claims that, “The workers likely forgot to clean up.” Although the guacamole was left out for thousands of years and no longer resembled the avocado-based dip, archaeologists were able to identify the food based on its taste and combination with a bag of Tostitos chips that the excavation team had brought along. There was also a piñata in one of the corners of the pyramid which led archaeologists to believe that one of the construction workers’ daughters may have had her quinceañera inside.

          Despite answering questions about the construction of the pyramids, the discoveries made by the excavation team raised another question. What happened to the Mexicans in Ancient Egypt?

          Some have speculated they may have continued their journey, crossing the Nile River and continuing across several borders until they reached Europe. There, the Carlos Ordonez Construction Co. settled down and established itself in modern-day Spain, where they remained for thousands of years. This connection would explain why both Mexicans and Spaniards speak Spanish despite being in entirely different hemispheres, a mystery that has remained unsolved for centuries. This has also caused historians to suspect that the Mesoamerican pyramids were built by the same Mexican contractors who built the Egyptian ones.

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